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How it works

Unlock the power of options trading with QuantumTrades – Explore our ‘How It Works’ page for a step-by-step guide. From setup to success, demystify the process and start your stress-free trading journey today.

How it works

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Quantum Trades is SaaS based Tech Platform which enables individual users to automate their trading based on your favorite ETFs, Stocks.

Upon registration & linking your brokerage account, basically QuantumGreeks writes automated weekly expiry calls using Cash secured puts and covered calls options strategies [together called as wheel strategy]. This is totally based on user ticker selection, risk profile configuration, etc.

The platform goal is to generate regular income from frequent premiums generated with limited risks to your portfolio.

Platform writes weekly expiry options strategies with the goal of expiring those options worthless so that premium is gained on a regular basis. This is repeated often & when stocks gets assigned, the platform automatically writes weekly covered calls. This wheel cycle repeats. Rinse & repeat.

How it works
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